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    Since Ağrı is a city with high altitude, animal husbandry is very developed in the city. In addition to livestock and bees raised in the highlands within the city boundaries, the endemic plant species in the region constitute the richness of the Ağrı Cuisine.

    Abdigor Köftesi

    Abdigor Köftesi (Abdigor Meatball) is the most well-known dish of Ağrı. Abdigor Köftesi, which is widely consumed in Doğubayazıt, was named after Çolak Abdi Pasha who lived in the 17th century. The meatballs were specially prepared for the Pasha, who could not eat meat dishes due to a stomach disorder, were adopted by the local people over time. Abdigor Köftesi, which is considered as the oldest diet food of Anatolia, is made by mixing fatless, nerveless, boneless beef, very little onion, egg and various spices. It is served with rice.

    Ağrı Döneri

    Ağrı Döneri, made from the meat of animals grazing on the wide pastures of Ağrı and fed with thyme, is a favorite of many döner lovers. You will find several restaurants in Ağrı city center where you can taste this unique flavor.

    Ağrı Honey (White Honey)

    Since the terrain of Ağrı is rough, the beekeeping season in the city lasts longer than normal. Ağrı is one of the most important beekeeping cities of our country with its altitude differences rich flora in terms of vegetation, the flowering of plants at different times and the abundance of flowers unique to the region. This richness of vegetation is of course reflected in the taste of honey. Ağrı Honey, which is relatively whiter, is unique in terms of both taste and texture.

    Selekeli (Sac Kavurma)

    Selekeli is cooked by cutting fresh goat or lamb meat in cubes and cooking in an iron plate. The meat cooked in butter is rested, then served with garlic yogurt and village bread.

    Ağrı Ketesi

    The dough of Ağrı Ketesi is an ordinary bread dough. However, the dough is not let turn sour after it is fermented. The dough is opened in small pieces and cooked in butter. Kete is usually served on a large tray or plate to avoid spilling and to be eaten more easily.


    Keledoş, a local delicacy from Ağrı, is prepared with crushed wheat, roasted meat, and various legumes. Representing the region's rich culinary heritage, this hearty dish stands out with its unique combination of chickpeas, green lentils, white beet, and dried yoghurt. Served with melted butter, Keledoş caters to diverse palates, offering both spicy and non-spicy options. It is an essential experience for those who wish to taste the authentic flavours of Turkish cuisine.